I am going to talk about something that is very controversial in the church today, and that is the subject of Halloween. It is not my intention to upset people or cause people to get angry, it is my intention to deal with this issue in an uncompromised matter. Let me also say this message…
Author: writer
A Study on Acts Chapter 24
In this blog post I am going to pick up from where I left off in my series on the Book of Acts. Looking back at the previous chapter. The people conform a conspiracy that they will not eat until Paul is put to death and Paul is taken to Caesarea, and he is placed…
The Core Issue
There has been much going on lately in this country and around the world. We are in the middle of a pandemic, and this has impacted every single one of us at some level. Whether you have tested positive for COVID, know someone who has had it, or even has died from it. Many people…
The Peace of God
We are certainly living in difficult and uncertain times right now. From the pandemic to the wildfires in California, to economic uncertainty, and even the unstableness of our leaders, it is easy for us to be given over to fear and anxiety.For the true believer, we should know what the Bible says about fear. If…
Do We Realize What is Happening?
We are living in very unusual times. We are living in difficult times. One of the things God has shown me is two pandemics not just placating the church world, but also the world in general. There is a pandemic of people giving themselves over to a spirit of fear. People are afraid to go…
Tongues Explained with Caution
This is a post I wrote last year that I have updated and am reposting. The gift of tongues is a widely debated subject in the church, and it needs addressed. If we only study the Gift of Tongues from the Book of Acts then we will not get the full picture, along with important…
Did We Forget Hebrews 11?
Introduction In my private time with the Lord this week I felt the question pressed upon me “Did we forget Hebrews chapter 11?”. Some of you who are diligent students of God’s Word know what Hebrews 11 is about. Hebrews is one of my favorite post-Gospel books of the Bible to study. This blog post…
Modern Christian Culture vs Early Church (Video Teaching)
Reflection on Biblical Christianity (Video)
Today’s Christian Culture vs. The Early Church
In this blog post, I would like to talk about Acts chapter 23. Paul is right now before the Sanhedrin council and states that he has lived all his life in good conscience with God. However, we see that the high priest, Ananias, does not believe that and asks for people to stone Paul. Paul…