John 20:1-10 Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early in the morning. She sees the stone has been moved. She runs to the two disciples and tells them what happened. Simon Peter The other disciple = the one Jesus loved = John V.2: “We” other women. John gets to the tomb first. Simon Peter goes…
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Resurrection Sunday 2020
Introduction I would first like to wish you and your family a blessed Resurrection Sunday. Many people today celebrate Easter, while since Easter is considered Pagan, I choose to say He is Risen! It is 2020 and we are going through the novel COVID-19 pandemic, many churches are doing service online and many families are…
Good Friday 2020 – Christ Crucified
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COVID-19 4/9/2020 Video
Scripture Outline: Current COVID-19 Data Worldwide (as of 4/9/2020 at 7am EST) Cases: 1,487,870 Recovered: 331,705 Deaths: 88,630 My Advice: Spend more time in the prayer closet and in the Word. Pay attention, false prophets are being clearly revealed. Follow recommendations for your health by CDC and/or your doctor. Wisdom Proverbs 10:23 Probers 18:15 Proverbs…
Acts Chapter 20: Foundational Truths
Introduction As we have seen through the Book of Acts, there are many important lessons and principles found in this book of the Bible. We must note while the church may never exactly function the way it did in the Book of Acts, we still have many principles to apply from this book. Acts 20:1-3:…
My Thoughts on the COVID-19 Virus (Video)
A Plague in the Church
My Thoughts Much of the American church today wants to focus on how to grow its congregation. Many seminaries teach strategies on how to grow a church. The sad thing is the vast majority of these programs only look at what the people want rather than what God wants. One of the largest plagues to…
John 6:52-71 | Jesus Power to Save Video Teaching
John 6:52-59 Bread= flesh (spiritual, not literal) Wine = blood (spiritual, not literal) Hebrew idiom of the words flesh and blood = total person We must be completely committed to Him alone! We must believe in the saving power that is in His Blood. Life for the Dead (Spiritually) John 11:25 The Way John 14:6…
Acts 19:21-41 Determining in Your Spirit Video Teaching
John 6:30-51: Jesus the Bread of Life
Video Teaching Outline John 6:30-35 They are still seeking a sign. Manna = food provided by God for Israelites in wilderness. Bread from Heave Exodus 16:14 Numbers 11:7-9 Psalm 105:40 Psalm 78:24 Exodus 16:15 they associated Manna with the work of Moses, but they believed the Messiah would bring the real Manna. (John 6:32-33) John…