What the Old Testament Says In this post, I am going to talk about a key topic concerning the Law that is addressed in the Book of Acts. We see the Law of Circumcision brought into effect in Genesis 17:10-14 (NKJV), “This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your…
Author: writer
Why Church Why?
Introduction I was spending time with the Lord today and He put on my heart a strong word of wisdom. I have gotten word of wisdom and knowledge, but never one as strong as this. Please share this with others, many need to hear this. A Word of Wisdom What happened to the church? Why…
The Greatest Truth – John 3:1-20
Study Outline John 3:1-12 Nicodemus is a Pharisee Pharisees = study the first 5 books of the Old Testament (Pentateuch) Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night. (Seeking light in darkness) Rabbi = teacher Jesus tells him the greatest truth in the Bible, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN Jesus talks spiritual, but Nicodemus looks at it…
Your Thought Life as a Christian
Your Thought Life
I felt lead to do a blog post regarding what Scripture tells us about our thought life. I want you to ask yourself what do you spend most of your time thinking about? Also, how many of your thoughts are positive, and how many are negative? How many of your thoughts lead to fear or…
Acts 14:8-28: Standing Firm
In this post, we are going to look at an issue that the Apostles encounter in the Book of Acts. There are many important takeaways from this problem they encountered, along with an example of how to deal with problems as they arise in the church today. No matter what, no church is going to…
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Video Teaching Study Outline John 2:13 Jesus goes up to Jerusalem. Feast of Passover Aka the Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrated March-April Celebrates Israelites being freed from slavery in Egypt. During this celebration, they must only eat unleavened bread or bread without yeast. Exodus 12:17-20 Deuteronomy 16:1-8 John 2:14-17 Jesus shows the example of Righteous…
A Word on Anxiety
What is Anxiety? I decided to make a blog post on something that everyone can relate to. No matter what everyone has dealt with some form of anxiety in their life. Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. We all…
Being Used By God
How do you know that someone is truly called by God? In this post, we are going to look at two people in the Book of Acts, who were truly called by God. Additionally, we will look at a few signs to look for in someone that is being used by God. At the end…
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
Video Teaching Free Study Outline V.1-10 3-day journey to Galilee Mary the Mother of Jesus was there. They ran out of wine at this wedding. V.4: ‘Woman’ was used as a title of respect in the Bible. Hour did not come – Jesus has not openly revealed Himself as the Messiah yet. V.6: His mother…