What Changed? Some of you may notice as of today that my social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube), are now listed as just my name without my title as Evangelist. This does not mean that my content will change, this is simply being done to improve the number of people I reach. Why? There…
Author: writer
The First Disciples – John 1:35-51
Video Teaching Free Bible Study Outline V. 35-36 Jesus is the Lamb of God He is worthy of every praise. Revelation 5:11-14 He is the Lamb who was slain V. 37-42 John and Andrew follow Jesus Jesus asked them ‘What do you seek?’ When we seek Him what are we seeking Him for? Most people…
An Example of Missionary Work
As I continue my series on the Book of Acts, I would like us to look at one of Paul’s first public speeches in the Book of Acts. This is also his first recorded missionary speech in the Book of Acts. His speech goes on from Acts 13:14-41, this is one of his longest recorded…
Are You a Friend of God or the World?
Being Led By the Spirit
In this post, I am going to talk about the importance of being led by the Holy Spirit. You should let Him lead you and not your flesh. Romans 8:14 (NKJV) tells us, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”. If we want to truly be…
Under Attack
As I was praying in the spirit and reading my Bible this week, the Lord revealed certain things to me about spiritual warfare. He put some words on my heart as a word of knowledge for all believers as I was spending time with Him. Here is what was put on my heart: There has…
New Video Teaching: Putting Away Fear
Check out my latest video teaching below on how to put away fear!
Putting Away Fear
Today I want to talk about how to deal with fear as a believer in Jesus Christ. I looked in The Barbour’s Bible Dictionary and it has two definitions for fear. The first one is an emotion aroused by danger or risk. The second definition of fear is used as respect or reverence to God….
What About John the Baptist
About John the Baptist (Mark 1:5-17) Parents Zacharias and Elizabeth Faithful to the Lord No child late in years of life V.10: Hour of incense was 9 am and 3 pm daily V.13: Your prayer has been heard – they have been praying for a child or a priest was praying for the redemption of…
Keys on Truly Seeking God
In this post I am going to discuss Acts 13:1-3, I am only covering three verses out of the Book of Acts, but God revealed several key points during this study on the importance of seeking God. There are some very important keys that every Christian should be applying daily to their life along with…