Author: Zachary Murphy

  • Acts 27-28: Paul’s Faith When Shipwrecked

    Acts 27-28: Paul’s Faith When Shipwrecked

    I would like to briefly talk about Acts 27-28. As your ready through the Book of Acts, we see the Apostle Paul knows that he is supposed to appear before Caesar at Rome. Paul has faced much opposition and persecution, yet he continues to fight the good fight of faith.In Acts 27:1-8 we see the…

  • Faith – Seeing it Through

    Faith – Seeing it Through

    In this blog post, I want to talk about faith. The best definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1 (AMP), “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by…

  • A Warning for 2021

    A Warning for 2021

    As we bring in the New Year many people are making New Year’s resolutions to better themselves. 2020 has been without a doubt, a year unlike any other. 2020 has revealed many people’s true colors, whether for better or for worse. When it comes to the churches in America there is much to learn from…

  • Following the World?

    Following the World?

    God is good and all the time God is good. As a child raised in an Assembly of God Church, I recall the pastor always starting off service saying this. So many other pastors and fellow believers always say this frequently. But why do we say this? Do we as believers truly know why God…

  • A Study on Acts 25 and 26

    A Study on Acts 25 and 26

    As we study the Book of Acts, we see the persecution Paul faces. I am going to briefly go over chapters 25 and 26. We see Paul is in Caesarea and Festus, the governor, wants to go see him. The Jews bring a petition to Festus to give Paul over to them so they can…