Bible Study – Adultery, Lust, Divorce, and Murder


  • Matthew 5:17-20
  • God gave the Law in the Old Testament. The 10 Commandments. God also ordered certain sacrificial practices and feast days to be strictly followed.
  • Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law.
  • James 2:10
  • (Deut 27:26.)
  • Galatians 3:10-14
  • Romans 3:22
  • Habakkuk 2:4
  • “Faith measures God’s doing in redeeming His design in us, as defining our lives” – Mirror Study Bible
  • Luke 16:14-17
  • We have modern-day Pharisees who will try to make themselves justified. There are modern-day Pharisees in the church today who base their Salvation on what they do rather than what Jesus has done.
  • I did emphasize this in the beginning, God does not hate people who have had a divorce. Also just because you have had a divorce in your past does not mean that God is done with you or that He will never use You for His purposes. God is about restoration, and if we align our lives with Him we will restore our body, soul, and spirit and He will fulfill His plans and purposes in our lives if we obey Him.
  • Again, I am not making a broad brush statement on divorce that applies to every divorce case out there. I do affirm that divorce is not God’s best and it is the devil who seeks to destroy families. Divorce is not in line with life and life more abundantly, it is in line with destruction.
  • Matthew 5:27-32
  • Luke 16:18
  • Colossians 3:5
  • Job 31:1
  • Ephesians 5:22-33 – a loving husband or wife would not do anything to harm their spouse.
  • Mark 10:5-9
  • Matthew 5:21-26 and Luke 12:57-59
  • When you are angry at someone and hold hate against them that is murder.
  • We have a very large problem here in America especially lately in the church.
  • Romans 12:18
  • Luke 12:57-59
  • We are called to live at peace with everyone and even pray for our enemies.
  • The Bible forbids murder




