John 6:22-25
- Day after Jesus fed 5,000 and walked on water.
- Same crowd that wanted to make Jesus an earthly king.
- They addressed Jesus as Rabbi.
- Rabbi = person viewed as spiritual leader/teacher.
John 6:26-29
- They asked Jesus how and when He got to Capernaum, and He tells them why they came.
- He took their question as an opportunity to teach.
- They were seeking Jesus because He gave them bread.
- Don’t pursue temporary things to fill you.
- Matthew 6:19
- John 4:14-15
- 2 Peter 1:17
- James 2:17
- Psalm 19:7
- 1 John 5:1-5
John 6:30-33
- They now want a sign.
- Manna references:
- Exodus 16:15
- Numbers 11:7
- Earthly vs. Spiritual.
- Matthew 4:4
John 6:34-40
- Jesus is the bread of life.
- 2 Timothy 2:19