- Intro – Matthew 5:1-2 and Luke 6:20
- Jesus did not just do miracles, signs, and wonders, He taught.
- He taught so much about the Gospel of Salvation and the Kingdom of God.
- Jesus focused on His disciples first when starting this sermon.
- Luke 6:20-23 and Matthews 5:3-12
- The poor
- Are you coming before God and totally depending upon Him, or are you depending on earthly riches?
- The mourning
- Those who mourn will be comforted.
- John 16:7
- The humble
- 1 Peter 3:4
- Those who are meek are a precious price to the Lord.
- Merciful
- We should be forgiving of others.
- The Pure
- 1 Timothy 1:5
- 1 Peter 1:22
- Peacemakers
- We are to walk in peace with one another, do not stir up tension with others.
- Romans 14:19
- The hungry.
- Are you spiritually hungry for God, then you are blessed!
- John 15:11
- Colossians 1:9
- Ephesians 5:18
- Rejected for Christ’s sake