Last week I gave four teachings focused specifically on Jesus Christ since it was Holy Week. I would like to post an outline as a review of what I have covered thus far currently in my teaching series on the Book of Acts. In the next few days I will post my next teaching in my series on the Book of Acts, so please stay tuned for more.
Teaching #1: Acts 1:1-8
- Background on Book of Acts:
- Book of Acts- aka The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles
- Gives us glimpse of first three decades of Early Church after Christ.
- Author is officially unknown but believed to be Luke.
- Purpose: Work of God through the Holy Spirit in people truly devoted to Christ.
Chapter 1:
- Acts 1:1-8
- V.2-3:
- KJV- passion à Jesus died for us, John 3:16
- He showed alive after death to disciples.
- He spent 40 days with disciples before ascension.
- Jesus gave disciples instruction through Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit was the power behind Jesus earthly ministry.
- V. 4:
- Jesus tells them no to leave Jerusalem yet but
wait for what God promised.
- John 14:16- the comforter
- John 14:26- Holy Spirit
- Jesus tells them no to leave Jerusalem yet but
wait for what God promised.
- V. 5:
- John the Baptist: water baptism symbolic of repentance.
- Jesus baptism: Holy Spirit inside of us, new Spiritual beginning.
- John 1:33
- 1 Thessalonians 5:23
- Romans 12:2
- V. 8:
- Holy Spirit gives us power when we receive it.
- Constantly seek God.
- Sensitive to work of Holy Spirit.
- Holy Spirit does its job well, don’t manipulate it.
- 1 Corinthians 14:40
- Witness to people everywhere.
- Philippians 1:6
- Mark 16:15
- Don’t limit the Holy Spirit.
- John 3:34
- Holy Spirit gives us power when we receive it.
- V.2-3:
Teaching 2: Lessons in the Upper Room: Acts 1:9-26:
- V. 9-11:
- Jesus taken back up.
- Cloud received Jesus.
- Presence of God as cloud.
- Exodus 13:21-22
- John 7:33-34 as promised.
- Jesus will return.
- Luke 21:47
- V. 12-14:
- Disciples came back to Jerusalem
- Sabbaths Day- distance Jews could on Sabbath, less than a mile.
- Returned to upper room where they were staying.
- Acts 1:13- list of disciples
- V.14 AMP: they acted together one mind and
purpose to pray
- Devoted
- Followers of Christ need to come together with the same purpose and pray in the name of Jesus.
- John 14:13
- V. 15-26:
- Judas Iscariot vacant spot to be filled.
- V. 17: Judas was a member of the disciples, but
not truly saved.
- Judas betrayed Jesus.
- Judas was the Son of Perdition
- John 17:12
- To be fulfilled:
- Psalms 69:25
- Psalms 109:8
- Judas died a shameful death- hung himself.
- V. 23: two men picked to be disciple
- Justus
- Mathias
- Requirement: must have been around disciples throughout the course of Jesus ministry
- Disciples prayed to make a wise decision.
- Casting lots: acceptable method of decision making with prayer before Holy Spirit. It was a Jewish custom to put names on stones and place them in container and shake until one fell out.
- Matthias became part of the disciples.
Teaching 3: Pentecost: Acts 2:1-11
- What is Pentecost?
- Feast of Weeks
- Feast to celebrate beginning of early weeks of Harvest.
- Historic significance: Moses received 10 commandments.
- June 9, 2019
- Exodus 34:22
- Leviticus 23:15-22
- Deuteronomy 16:16
- 2 Chronicles 8:13
- Acts 2:1-11:
- Disciples gathered in one place, I believe they
were still praying.
- Acts 1:14
- V. 2:2-4
- Mighty wind à Power
- Filled House à
Filling Whole
- Filled with Holy Spirit
- Gift of Tongues
- Acts 4:31
- V. 2:6-8:
- Everyone hears own language
- Languages they did not know mentally.
- V. 4: utterance from Spirit.
- V. 11:
- Wonderful work of God.
- Disciples gathered in one place, I believe they
were still praying.
Lesson 4: The Jews Response and Peter’s Teaching: Acts 2:12-36
- V. 12-36:
- Jews were confused
- Prophet Joel quoted v. 17-21
- Joel 2:28-32
- Marks beginning of Last Days before rapture
- Gifts of the Spirit still available.
- Prophet David quoted v. 25-28
- Psalms 16:8-11
- Jesus seated at right hand of God.
- Reminds us:
- Rejoice form your heart.
- He is our Hope
- Word of God teaches us how to live life.
- Full joy in His presence.
- More and more!
- V. 36:
- Jesus is Lord and Christ.