Category: 2021
Romans Chapter 7 Bible Study
What Are We Doing
In the last couple of weeks, the Lord has pressed my heart about some issues concerning the churches in America. I write this post not to put a particular group of people down, but to rather awaken the slumbering churches in America. Before I go any further, I want you to reflect if you think…
Bible Study Romans Chapter 6
How to Seek God’s Will?
It is dangerous to be living outside the Will of God for your life. I see so many people today living lives that are so chaotic and hectic and do not take the time to sit back, reflect, and seek God. We live in such a fast-paced world that makes it the norm for us…
Why Holy Living Matters
The lifestyle of the Christian is so critical, but it has sadly become neglected in the American church. The Bible tells us that we are set apart from the rest of the world. The Bible tells us that we have the Light of the World inside of us (John 8:12). How will unbelievers know you…
Video Teaching: What is Your Mindset
Bible Study: Romans Chapter 5
What is Your Mindset?
The mind of the believer is so crucial, Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) tells us, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”. We must ask ourselves, is our mindset in line with God’s Word or not? Many people today are living in a lifestyle of fear, bondage, worldliness, and defeat. Sometimes we can even…