Love is a very strong word that we use in our everyday life. We love someone or something, you love your spouse or you love that fresh meal. Love is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection or a person or thing that one loves. Other words that go with love are warmth, attachment,…
Category: Inspiration
Rejoice All the Time, Even in Hard Times
Let’s face a simple fact, life is not and will never be easy. Often people will ask followers of Christ, ‘why are you not healed?’, ‘why are you still suffering?’, and many more to question your beliefs. When faced with anything that causes us suffering in life we can often get discouraged, often we can…
We Have a Purpose
In Genesis chapters 1-2, you will find the ‘The Story of Creation’. For years this has always been debated on whether it is true or not. Science tries daily to defend that there is no God and that we are here on earth by accident. Our society imposes on our youth to be taught the…
Jehovah Jireh: Our Provider
I am sure all of us have been at a point in our life where we needed a major provision. Whether a job, promotion, healing, house or financial need. I can give you one example that impacted my family where it would seem nearly impossible to man for a provision to take place. When I…
Following the Right Direction
Sometimes in life we set our self a goal, whether that is to find a job, spouse, or to lose weight. Once you set a goal in life, you usually create a plan of action on that goal. Have you ever made a goal and stuck with it and it did not work out? Maybe…
The Shemitah- Just Started Reading
I have recently started reading a book by John Cahn called The Mystery of the Shemitah. You can think of a Shemitah as a nations covenant with God. This references how Ancient Israel fell and why, it also discussed this as parallel to the United States. In 722 B.C. the Assyrians destroyed the northern kingdom…
Born Again
You may hear many people refer to salvation as born again. What does this mean and where is this in the bible? In John 3:3, Jesus says: “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”. It this chapter of the bible a conversation goes on…
Road Blocks in Prayer
I’ve been reading a book lately by Perry Stone called Exposing Satan’s Playbook. In one of the later chapters he discusses how people become weak in their faith and prayer. He explains one of the signs of this is if someone is going through a difficult time such as sickness or financial burden that they…
Moses and the release of Jews from Egypt: A History into Passovers Beginning
Moses freeing the Jewish people from Pharaoh arrogant ruler is a very interesting store to read. It is also an important one to know because it shows how God will judge a nation because of the action of its Rulers. I encourage you to read the literature of Johnathan Cahn which talks about judgement in…
It’s Just a Name
Man names it cancer. Man names it diabetes. Man names it arthritis. The doctor gives you a year to live. Or a life long battle. It is just ever ending pain. It may seem hopeless. You may be worn out. You might just want to give up. But there is hope. God heals and restores….