Category: Salvation
Resurrection Life
The Lam Slain Before the Foundation of the World
Growing in Holiness
Freedom in Christ
The Holiness of God
In a world where there is so much wickedness of man, we can often become blinded to the full truth of how Holy God is. Isaiah 6:3 (ESV) says, “And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!””. Not only does…
The River of Life
This year I have really been touching on walking in faith and the importance of coming to the knowledge of who we are as new creations through Christ Jesus. I would like to draw your attention to the Book of Ezekiel when he describes the vision the Lord gave him of The Temple. We see…
Tough Words – Our Heavenly Father
Today is Father’s Day, a day that we recognize our earthly fathers for all that they do for us. For some, this is a day to remember fathers who are no longer with us. I am thankful for a great God-fearing earthly father. Today I want to talk about who our Heavenly Father is. I…
Acts 21:37-22:30 — A Reflection on Real Christianity
I have been working on making some changes that you will soon see on this blog, which is why I have not posted as much as usual. I wanted to pick back up in the Book of Acts. In my last post, I left off on Acts 21:36 which is where Paul was attacked in…
Acts Chapter 20: Foundational Truths
Introduction As we have seen through the Book of Acts, there are many important lessons and principles found in this book of the Bible. We must note while the church may never exactly function the way it did in the Book of Acts, we still have many principles to apply from this book. Acts 20:1-3:…