Outline Acts 21:1-6 Paul and his travel companions go to Tyre on way to Jerusalem Before Tyre: Cos Rhodes Patara Phoenicia Cyprus Syria Tyre Paul sought out other believers Acts 21:4 (MSG) Acts 20:23 When leaving they all knelt and prayed Reverence to God Hebrews 12:28 Acts 21:7-16 Travel Tyre to Ptolemais is 20 miles…
Category: Teaching Outlines
John 7:1-24
John 7:1-10 Jesus avoids conflict/danger of Jews wanting to harm Him. We should always seek God before going towards conflict and danger. Feast of Tabernacles around September/October. Jesus’ natural brothers give Him poor advice, they lacked an understanding of Jesus. Jesus’ natural brothers (Matthew 13:55) James Joses Judas Simon Christ knew when His hour would…
John 6:1-14 Video Teaching
John 6:1-4 Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee The feast of Passover was taking place so expect people in crowds. People followed Jesus for the signs. What is your interest in Him? Are you only seeking signs? 2 Chronicles 7:14 Warning of false teachers with false signs: 2 Peter 2:17-22 John 6:5-9 Jesus shows…
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Video Teaching Study Outline John 2:13 Jesus goes up to Jerusalem. Feast of Passover Aka the Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrated March-April Celebrates Israelites being freed from slavery in Egypt. During this celebration, they must only eat unleavened bread or bread without yeast. Exodus 12:17-20 Deuteronomy 16:1-8 John 2:14-17 Jesus shows the example of Righteous…
Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
Video Teaching Free Study Outline V.1-10 3-day journey to Galilee Mary the Mother of Jesus was there. They ran out of wine at this wedding. V.4: ‘Woman’ was used as a title of respect in the Bible. Hour did not come – Jesus has not openly revealed Himself as the Messiah yet. V.6: His mother…
The First Disciples – John 1:35-51
Video Teaching Free Bible Study Outline V. 35-36 Jesus is the Lamb of God He is worthy of every praise. Revelation 5:11-14 He is the Lamb who was slain V. 37-42 John and Andrew follow Jesus Jesus asked them ‘What do you seek?’ When we seek Him what are we seeking Him for? Most people…
What About John the Baptist
About John the Baptist (Mark 1:5-17) Parents Zacharias and Elizabeth Faithful to the Lord No child late in years of life V.10: Hour of incense was 9 am and 3 pm daily V.13: Your prayer has been heard – they have been praying for a child or a priest was praying for the redemption of…
The Word Became Flesh – John 1:9-18
John 1:9-10 Jesus is the true light. He gives light to everyone in the world The people of the world do not know Him. John 1:11-13 His own people did not accept Him – Jews. We are children of God because we received Him, it is our right. Hebrews 6:11-12 We need to have good…
Jesus – The True Light (John 1:1-8)
Please check out my first video teaching in my new series on the Gospel of John! The teachings will only be available on my YouTube Channel. So please be sure to subscribe! I will be posting teaching outlines for your reference. Please be sure to share this with others! Facts Most precious book of Bible….
Outline: Having It All in Life
I got a lot of good feedback on my previous teaching regarding the subject of Having it All in Life. Below is an outline of this teaching for additional reference! Everlasting Life John 3:16 (NKJV) says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should…