As we bring in the New Year many people are making New Year’s resolutions to better themselves. 2020 has been without a doubt, a year unlike any other. 2020 has revealed many people’s true colors, whether for better or for worse. When it comes to the churches in America there is much to learn from…
Category: Wisdom
The Core Issue
There has been much going on lately in this country and around the world. We are in the middle of a pandemic, and this has impacted every single one of us at some level. Whether you have tested positive for COVID, know someone who has had it, or even has died from it. Many people…
Do We Realize What is Happening?
We are living in very unusual times. We are living in difficult times. One of the things God has shown me is two pandemics not just placating the church world, but also the world in general. There is a pandemic of people giving themselves over to a spirit of fear. People are afraid to go…
Did We Forget Hebrews 11?
Introduction In my private time with the Lord this week I felt the question pressed upon me “Did we forget Hebrews chapter 11?”. Some of you who are diligent students of God’s Word know what Hebrews 11 is about. Hebrews is one of my favorite post-Gospel books of the Bible to study. This blog post…
Tough Words – Our Heavenly Father
Today is Father’s Day, a day that we recognize our earthly fathers for all that they do for us. For some, this is a day to remember fathers who are no longer with us. I am thankful for a great God-fearing earthly father. Today I want to talk about who our Heavenly Father is. I…
A Plague in the Church
My Thoughts Much of the American church today wants to focus on how to grow its congregation. Many seminaries teach strategies on how to grow a church. The sad thing is the vast majority of these programs only look at what the people want rather than what God wants. One of the largest plagues to…
Acts 19:21-41: Determining in Your Spirit
Introduction In my previous blog post, we looked at Acts 19:1-20, so if you have not read that post yet be sure to check it out first! We previously saw some great revival take place in the first part of Acts chapter 19. We also looked at some great revelation regarding the gift of tongues…
White as Snow
Two Phrases As I was spending time with the Lord today the Holy Spirit put two phrases on my heart which were, ‘white as snow’ and ‘whiter than snow’. Both phrases are found in Scripture in Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 51:7. I encourage you to read those passages when you get the opportunity. However, the…
An Example of Walking in The Spirit During Conflict
Introduction In this blog post, we are going to look at the remaining portion of Acts chapter 17. We are going to see several great examples that are set by the Apostle Paul. We will first see the importance of checking doctrine with Scripture, and the importance of us being defenders of the Truth. We…
Who is the King of Your Heart?
You claim that Jesus is the King of Your Heart, but is He really? You claim to be a Christian, but you have been on milk all your life. Why haven’t you gotten to the meat, if He is truly the King of Your Heart? If He is truly the King of Your heart you…