As I continue my series on the Book of Acts, I would like to teach from Chapter 4 and how it applies to us Christians today. Previously I talked about the healing of the lame man done by the Apostles through the power of the Holy Spirit. Today I would like to discuss something that…
Category: Wisdom
A Healing Followed by a Message
I would like to teach on chapter three from the Book of Acts as I continue my series on this powerful book of the Bible. Let’s look at Acts 3:1 (NKJV) which says, “Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.”. There are a few…
What Now?
If you have been following along with my current teaching series on the Book of Acts, I previously talked taught on Peter’s explanation of Pentecost to the Jews. Today I would like to teach on Acts 2:37-47 which continues mainly on the Jews response to Peter. Peter just got done telling the Jews that Jesus,…
Book of Acts Series Current Outline
Last week I gave four teachings focused specifically on Jesus Christ since it was Holy Week. I would like to post an outline as a review of what I have covered thus far currently in my teaching series on the Book of Acts. In the next few days I will post my next teaching in…
Jesus is King: He is Risen!
Today is the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is marked on our calendar as ‘Easter Sunday’. Before I get into the scriptures for today, I think it is important that we have a historical understanding of Easter. The word Easter is a word of Saxon origin from…
Jesus is King: The Concept of Logos
In my current series this week that is focused on Jesus in the Gospels, I would like to discuss the concept of Logos. The word Logos in Greek means: word, speech, principle, or thought. The Gospel of John is a Spiritual account of Jesus, and it is the only Gospel to explain the concept of…
Jesus is King: Water Baptism and Salvation
As I continue my teaching series this week before Resurrection Sunday, I would like to teach on Jesus’ baptism and how it impacts us. Before looking into the baptism of Jesus, I would like to discuss one important person and that is John the Baptist. There was a false teaching back in those days where…
Jesus is King: Are You Bound Spiritually?
As we are in the month of April it comes time to remember Jesus going to the cross and dying for our sins and conquering the grave. I will be giving a few teachings over the next few days about Jesus’ earthly ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection. During His earthly ministry, He did many great things….
The Jews Response and Peters Teaching
In my previous teaching in the Book of Acts we just learned about the powerful Filling of the Holy Spirit the disciples received. The Jews have just witnessed the powerful gift of Tongues. Now we are going to begin to look as to how the Jews reacted to this powerful movement of the Holy Spirit….
A Promise Made, A Promise Kept
I recently discussed the promise of the Holy Spirit, and then some lessons we can learn from the disciples in the Upper Room as a part of my series in the Book of Acts. As I continue this series, I would like to begin teaching on Chapter Two, which shows us what happened on the…