Expository Bible Teaching and Sound Doctrine

  • Missionaries to Support

    Missionaries to Support

    The work of missionaries is critical to the Body of Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission. Below is a list of missionaries I strongly recommend supporting both financially and in prayer. I know many people like to support people in the missions field financially so here are a few links. Be sure to look for…

  • White as Snow Video

    White as Snow Video

  • John 6:14-29 Video Teaching

    John 6:14-29 Video Teaching

    Background Jesus feeds the 5,000 men and in the previous chapter, He healed someone on the Sabbath. John 6:14-15: Seeking Him Because of the signs, He performed they perceived Him as a Prophet. Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Verses 15/18 point to this part in John. Rules for a Prophet. Jesus then could tell the people were planning…

  • White as Snow

    White as Snow

    Two Phrases As I was spending time with the Lord today the Holy Spirit put two phrases on my heart which were, ‘white as snow’ and ‘whiter than snow’. Both phrases are found in Scripture in Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 51:7. I encourage you to read those passages when you get the opportunity. However, the…

  • John 6:1-14 Video Teaching

    John 6:1-14 Video Teaching

    John 6:1-4 Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee The feast of Passover was taking place so expect people in crowds. People followed Jesus for the signs. What is your interest in Him? Are you only seeking signs? 2 Chronicles 7:14 Warning of false teachers with false signs: 2 Peter 2:17-22 John 6:5-9 Jesus shows…