Today I want to talk about how to deal with fear as a believer in Jesus Christ. I looked in The Barbour’s Bible Dictionary and it has two definitions for fear. The first one is an emotion aroused by danger or risk. The second definition of fear is used as respect or reverence to God. We should strive to be God-fearing people, but we should not be emotionally fearful of the circumstances of life and this world!
God-Fearing People
So, what does the Bible say about fear? Let’s look at what the Bible says about being God-fearing first. Deuteronomy 6:13 (NKJV) tells us, “You shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him and shall take oaths in His name.”. Additionally, Psalm 33:8 (NKJV) tells us, “Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.”. So, everyone is to be God-fearing, but what does that mean? Well, Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV) tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”. So, when one is God-fearing it is the start of wisdom. Wise men and women of God fear the Lord and are humble.
To be God-fearing you must be humble and hate all sin and evil. Proverbs 8:13 (NKJV) says, “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate.”. To be God-fearing you must put away the lust of the flesh because the lust of the flesh leads to death! 1 John 2:16 (NKJV) says, “For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.”.
Are You God-Fearing or Flesh Fearing?
So, my next question to you is do you want to be a God-fearing Christian, or do you want to be so consumed with your circumstances and the things of this world? You cannot be both, otherwise, you are double-minded! Of course, fear will come naturally to all of us from time to time. If we want to walk in the fullness of what God has called for each of us, then we must put away our fears! We are only to fear God and nothing else! It is time that Christians stop worrying so much about earthly things and start learning how to fear God!
What Our Identity in Christ Says About Fear?
2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) tells us, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”. I think many people need to speak that over their lives every day, especially when the enemy comes to attack. If you are truly a born-again believer, then why are you worrying so much about your health, finances, family, and job? We should not be walking in a spirit of fear! We need to be walking in a spirit of power, love and sound mind. Time spent worrying about this and that is lost time with the Lord. You could spend an hour worrying and thinking about how you will pay that bill. But why not spend that hour in prayer, worship, or simply reading the Word?
What About Circumstances?
Lets look at the next verse, 2 Timothy 1:8 (AMP) says, “So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord or about me His prisoner, but with me take your share of suffering for the gospel [continue to preach regardless of the circumstances], in accordance with the power of God [for His power is invincible]”. We should not be afraid to tell others about God. We should continue preaching the Gospel regardless of our circumstances. The power of God is so powerful that He has given us a spirit of power, love and sound mind!
How to Deal with Fear?
It is time that believers learn how to tap into their spirit man and walk in the power, love, and sound mind that God has given us. How do you do this? How do you put away your fearful spirit, and walk in the God-given spirit of power, love, and sound mind? The first thing is to get the Word of God into you and speak it over your life. Also, spend time praying in the Spirit. I want to encourage you when you go to pray in the Spirit, ask God to let the Holy Spirit do intercession for you to help you put away your fear, and anything else in your life hindering you from walking in the fullness of what God has called you to do. I’d encourage you to make time for this, leave an hour and let the Holy Spirit make the intercession for you. Often, we don’t always know what is stuck deep down inside of us causing our problems, but the Holy Spirit does. So, we need to let Him pray for us. Romans 8:26-27 (NKJV) tells us, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”.
Final Thoughts
So, I’d like to challenge you to the question of if you are a God-fearing believer, or are you still fearful of your own circumstances? I want to encourage you to give time for the Holy Spirit to make intercession for you, and breakthrough will come! If we can learn to yield to the Holy Spirit in our lives, then we will begin to see drastic changes take place!