Category: Inspiration
Growing in Thankfulness
The Idol of Self
Delivered from Darkness Video
Christ Confidence
Freedom in Christ
A Word on Christlikeness
This is just one verse, and much is being said here for the believer to meditate upon and apply to their life. Jesus never gave a commission for His disciples to build a large religious system or to make a religion based on man-made tradition, yet many people are sadly in bondage to this today. …
Walk-in Righteousness Psalm 101 Encouragement
Walking in True Communion
Many Christians know about Communion or the Lord’s Supper, often churches will hold Communion based on a certain routine. While it is Biblical for us to partake of the Lord’s Supper together as the Body of Christ, we must also walk in Communion with Him daily. I am one who believes that Communion in the…
A Fresh Wind of the Holy Spirit
The church is called to be a people who know God’s Word and act like it is so. We are to be a people who expect God to move, based on the promises of His Word. Too often today we have gotten in a rut of “drive-thru Christianity”, where we just go with what is…