I recently posted a teaching called “Faith – Seeing It Through”. The Lord instructed me to address an issue that many believers including myself struggle with. This is often a roadblock for all of us at some point as we walk by faith. The Bible tells us that we all have been given our own…
Category: Inspiration
Faith – Seeing it Through
In this blog post, I want to talk about faith. The best definition of faith is found in Hebrews 11:1 (AMP), “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by…
Thankful for the Gospel that We Need
As we celebrate Thanksgiving today, I thought I would write a short post with a different approach. I could make a post about how I am thankful for finances, health, family, faith, and much more. This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas under very unusual circumstances. Our world has been turned upside down. Many…
A Study on Acts Chapter 24
In this blog post I am going to pick up from where I left off in my series on the Book of Acts. Looking back at the previous chapter. The people conform a conspiracy that they will not eat until Paul is put to death and Paul is taken to Caesarea, and he is placed…
The Core Issue
There has been much going on lately in this country and around the world. We are in the middle of a pandemic, and this has impacted every single one of us at some level. Whether you have tested positive for COVID, know someone who has had it, or even has died from it. Many people…
The Peace of God
We are certainly living in difficult and uncertain times right now. From the pandemic to the wildfires in California, to economic uncertainty, and even the unstableness of our leaders, it is easy for us to be given over to fear and anxiety.For the true believer, we should know what the Bible says about fear. If…
Tough Words – Our Heavenly Father
Today is Father’s Day, a day that we recognize our earthly fathers for all that they do for us. For some, this is a day to remember fathers who are no longer with us. I am thankful for a great God-fearing earthly father. Today I want to talk about who our Heavenly Father is. I…
Acts 21:37-22:30 — A Reflection on Real Christianity
I have been working on making some changes that you will soon see on this blog, which is why I have not posted as much as usual. I wanted to pick back up in the Book of Acts. In my last post, I left off on Acts 21:36 which is where Paul was attacked in…
Acts 21:1-36: What Do You Represent?
Introduction In this blog post, I am going to discuss the majority of chapter 21 in the Book of Acts. As always, I encourage you to take the time to read this chapter in its entirety. In the first six verses of chapter 21, we see that Paul and his travel companions go to the…
Acts 19:21-41: Determining in Your Spirit
Introduction In my previous blog post, we looked at Acts 19:1-20, so if you have not read that post yet be sure to check it out first! We previously saw some great revival take place in the first part of Acts chapter 19. We also looked at some great revelation regarding the gift of tongues…