I recently discussed the promise of the Holy Spirit, and then some lessons we can learn from the disciples in the Upper Room as a part of my series in the Book of Acts. As I continue this series, I would like to begin teaching on Chapter Two, which shows us what happened on the…
Category: Salvation
Conformed with the Age?
I recently got a word from God that was for the United States and the churches. I felt led by the Lord to expand upon this some more. Let’s look at Romans 12:2 (NKJV) which tells us, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that…
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
New Series Intro: Book of Acts I have been seeking God recently as to what my next series will be on, as I have just finished my teaching series on decision making. My last two posts dealt with a prophetic word I received from God. I don’t know about you, but I strongly believe the…
The Realness of God
If you haven’t read my previous blog post, I encourage you to do so (click here to read it).I gave a prophetic word that I received from God, I am trusting in God to continue to give me more to share in the future. I would like to teach you about the importance of realizing…
Who Am I in Christ?
The subject of who we are in Christ is a question that all Christians should know both individually and collectively. I would like to teach on this subject as I continue my series in decision making. You might ask what knowing who you are in Christ has to do with the decisions you make? The…
Christ or the World
I hope you read my previous teaching on the most important decision one can make in their life, and that is to accept Christ as their savior. If you have not read that teaching, please CLICK HERE to read it! As I continue my series on decision making as a Christian, I would like to…
A Very Important Decision
New: Listen to the audio version of my teaching on SoundCloud! Click Here! I have just finished my teachings on the Fruits of the Spirit. As I was seeking the Lord on what my next series should be on, he revealed to me to teach on decision making. So, my next few teachings are going to be on the topic of decision making as followers of Christ….
My Favorite Books of 2018
Along with reading the Bible daily I also find myself reading other faith-based books as well. I would like to talk about four books I read in 2018 that I would like to personally recommend to you. I am also going to provide a link to purchase these books from Amazon. It is also important…
Overcoming by Faith
As I continue my series on the fruits of the Spirit, I would like to discuss another fruit of the Spirit which is, faithfulness. Previously I have discussed joy, kindness, and gentleness. I am not going in any order, I am simply going in the order in which the Holy Spirit guides me. The listing…
Walking in Gentleness
Previously, I have been discussing the nine fruits of the Spirit. Recently I discussed both joy and kindness. Today I would like to take a closer look at the Fruit of Gentleness. Gentleness is listed as one of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23, “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love,…