Along with reading the Bible daily I also find myself reading other faith-based books as well. I would like to talk about four books I read in 2018 that I would like to personally recommend to you. I am also going to provide a link to purchase these books from Amazon. It is also important to note that we must read faith-based content that has biblical truth, so we must be careful not to give into false teachings. I have saved the best book for last!
#1: Devotion Recommendation: What On Earth Am I Here For? By Rick Warren
Like many true Christians who read the word daily, you might be one who also likes reading a daily devotion. There are many daily devotions available. Some devotions go by the calendar year, while some can be read at any time of the year. There is one book, in particular, I would recommend as this type of devotion and it would be ‘What on Earth Am I Here For?’ by Rick Warren. God has given us each a unique purpose for our life, God never once says ‘oops’. This is a great 42-day devotion that will help guide you with your God-given purpose. At the beginning of the book, it talks about Ephesians 1:11 which says “In him, we have also received an inheritance, because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will,” (CSB). God knew us before we entered this world, and He has a plan for you, you just need to receive it and walk in it. Rick Warren has done a great job with this book, it also features links to audio lessons which give you more than 30 hours of additional teachings. If you are looking to learn more about what God’s word says about seeking your unique purpose I would highly recommend this book. This book will also make for a great graduation gift!
#2: Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth
‘Christ the Healer’ is another book every believer needs to read. I wish I would have read this book sooner in my walk with Christ. This book provides in-depth teachings of the healing scriptures and provides many great examples. This book also discusses aspects of our life that can hinder us from receiving healing according to the will of God. Bosworth also discusses how to apply healing scriptures to your life. We must be reminded that Isaiah 53:5 (GNT) says, “But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.”. As you read Bosworth’s book, I highly recommend taking notes and highlighting scripture in your Bible, there is so much powerful information in this book to absorb.
#3: Materialize the Mind by JP Price
I saved the best one for last! ‘Materialize the Mind’ is a book that just came out towards the end of 2018 by a friend of mine who is a church pastor. He has composed a great book that discusses your God-given purpose in life along with examples from his life testimony. He also provides you with steps for transforming your inner self with in-depth teaching. A good new years resolution would be to transform yourself for what God has in store for you, this book written by JP is a great tool to have along the way. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”. In his book, JP also discusses the importance of enduring hardship which God can use to help strengthen us for what is ahead. Often times we don’t move ahead in life like we would like to because we are not fully prepared for what is next, this book helps explain this concept in detail. 2 Timothy 2:3-4 (NKJV) says, “You, therefore, must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”.
I would encourage you to put these three books on your reading list for 2019, along with reading the whole Bible. There are many tools online that can help you create a Bible reading plan that works for you. I would like to challenge you to make 2019 the year that you discover more of what God’s purpose is for you on earth, and walking in His plan for you according to His will for you! Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”. You might be making a New Years resolutions that will impact your outer self, but spending time with the Lord will improve your inner-self. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (ESV) says, “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”. Let’s make 2019 the year of inner growth, and show it as examples to non-believers so they might be drawn to Christ!