backyard landscape full of snow

White as Snow

Two Phrases

As I was spending time with the Lord today the Holy Spirit put two phrases on my heart which were, ‘white as snow’ and ‘whiter than snow’. Both phrases are found in Scripture in Isaiah 1:18 and Psalm 51:7. I encourage you to read those passages when you get the opportunity. However, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to Psalm 51:7, and the context of this passage is talking about being cleansed of sin and being renewed with a steadfast spirit.

Jesus Cleanses Us

When one gets truly born again, they are cleansed of all sin and iniquity. 1 John 1:9 (NKJV) tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”. There is so much power in the Blood of Jesus that it is often underappreciated in the church today.


Going back to Psalm 51:7 it tells us, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”. Hyssop was a plant used by the ancient Hebrews for purification. In terms of the New Covenant, the Blood of Jesus is used for our purification. Even after we are truly born again, we will fall short from time to time. We may even have some habitual sins that might take some time to fully flee from. But may I raise a question to you, are you ‘as white as snow’ or ‘whiter than snow’?

White as Snow?

Today as I was writing this, we got about six inches of snow. When snow falls there is either a very small dusting or enough accumulation to cover the ground completely. Often many believers are not as ‘white as snow’ as they should be. Far too often we might have a small dusting of snow. Having a dusting of snow reveals the grass, and I would like to think of the grass as our sinful habits we are struggling to get rid of or even one’s secret sin. To be mighty men and women of God we must flee from the lust of the flesh and walk in our new nature. When we truly do this, we will begin to have more of an accumulation of snow, rather than just a dusting. We should strive each day to be purer. Remember He is coming back very soon for a pure bride, the hour is very late!